Welcome to my website!

!This is a WIP!

I thought I might try giving making a website a go now since I was a bit too young and uninterested at the height of geocities but love the vibes. This is a WIP using sadgrl's Layout Builder though I hope to stick to it and customise it more myself over time.

I have some experience making websites using Wix but this is my first time with a html site and most of my quite limited html knowledge is from googling specific things to help me tweak Toyhouse profile templates, so I'm still getting my feet under me on this.

This is a WIP! Much is left over from the template, and will be very very slowly fleshed out.

Please note that this site is formatted for a computer screen, rather than mobile, so the mobile view is not the best.

Created 24/07/2023

New thoughts!

Well, not so new, but first time mentioning them. While I still want to make this site a lot cooler and more in depth in the future, I've been working my way towards my goal of making an SMOC dedicated website! I'm using Nekoweb for that one, and am hoping to have a skeleton soon. I think I like the neocities home dashboard more though tbh haha, but it's still cool to try out different hosts :)

Member of the Internet Blink Exchange

Companions Fab is a companion of Nine!

My favorite hot bevarage is Bushells Tea!

I would like to acknowledge the Wiradjuri people who are the Traditional Custodians of the Land this website is worked on from.

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